Contact Rifa

Phone: 604-741-7944

Welcome to
Hypno-Fertility BC
Serving The Sunshine Coast,
Greater Vancouver and beyond.

If you found this page, you have probably already tried some other modalities to enhance conception.

Hypnotherapy is often not the first choice that comes to mind, although in last 10 years it has become increasingly popular and known as a very successful approach to Fertility Therapy. I am here to help your subconscious mind to relax and remember the most natural function of your physicality, how to procreate.

I can assist you in examining your beliefs to heal and release subconscious contracts and vows from your past, which are blocking you from bringing a child into the world in a peaceful way.


  • Hypno Fertility program has the best possible proof of its success - BABIES!
  • The Hypno-Fertility program can be used alone for those who would like to conceive naturally or combined with medical fertility treatment. In both cases it could greatly increase the chances of success.
  • Although couples often feel helpless upon hearing the diagnosis "unexplained infertility", it is actually great news.

  • Hypnosis for Childbirth classes are given to both the mother and her chosen birth companion at the same time.
  • Hypnosis for Childbirth allows you to experience birth in an atmosphere of calm relaxation, as Nature intended them to.
Does the way we are born matter? The answer is YES

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